A theatrical performance made during an artist in residence period at Theater Utrechts Innovation Lab, where I experimented with live motion capturing, 3d scanning and animation, wearable technology such as motion capture suit and light design integrated in a body mask to give a glimpse into the future. The age of singularity, a term allegedly first used by John Neumann and brought through more mainstream attention through Ray Kurzweill reflections on the merging of human and machine (learning) through the exponential growth of the abilities of technology, wil even alter the philosophical question what it means to be human. The disappearance of humanity in physical form and the merging humans and machines in real life, what tech philosophers call the "age of singularity, is visualised in this performance where the main protagonist (Peter Cripss Clarks) evolves from a ball of light into a network of firing neutrons into a human, interacting with their avatar as its digital self, who is then evolving with and merging into a hive mind consisting of an army of all different lifeforms, filling up the cellular like stage. Created with the great support of Innovation Lab Theater Utrecht led by Thibaud Delpeut, Samiha Awad and Abdelhadi Baadi. Performed at the Paardenkathedraal, Utrecht 2022, the process was presented during Dutch Design Week 2023.
My team to develop this work are creative technologist KeezDuyves, Performer PeterCripps Clarks, rigger Nils Borger, Costume Assistant Marina the Maximalist, Music by Nyre Tiessen photos van Adam Gumrukers and Anna van Kooij